Assessment and Reports
Regular assessment ensures that teaching and learning are working well and children are benefiting from a deep and rich education.
At Harris Academy Tottenham, assessment is used to:
- maximise the learning outcomes of all pupils
- teach pupils that their approach to learning is a major factor in ensuring they achieve highly and that learning to learn is a key to high achievement
- encourage the best possible progress and achievement for all, by setting suitable challenge and fully recognising the diverse learning needs of each of our pupils
- ensure all marking and feedback is meaningful, ultimately leading to pupils’ reflection on the learning process and future improvement
- ensure that parents and carers are regularly informed and involved in the assessment processes, through a meaningful reporting process.
Pupils are expected to:
- be fully aware of the assessment procedures used across Harris Academy Tottenham and to contribute to the opportunity to self- and peer-assess their own and others' work.
- have an awareness of how embedding the Core Values of the Academy of Endeavour, Enjoy and Excel impacts positively on learning outcomes.
- respond positively to feedback in order to maximise learning opportunities.
Parents and carers are:
- provided with information to support meaningful conversations about learning, and strategies that could be employed to aid learning.
Academic Review Days
Academic Review Days follow the publication of reports. Academic Review Days are an opportunity to discuss with tutors or teachers the academic progress and learning attributes displayed by your child. This includes their gradings against the academy 'e-score' criteria (Endeavour, Enjoy, Excel) as well as grades and percentages.
Specialist support from translators is available on the evenings to ensure fair access. Please let your child’s form tutor know at least a week before.