Who To Contact
We are on hand to support you and your family through this difficult time. Please see a list of useful contacts below.
General Enquiries
Information/General: info@harristottenham.org.uk
Primary Team
Ms Smith – Head of Primary: E.Smith@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Marshall – Assistant Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: M.Marshall@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Orr - Special Educational Needs Coordinator: S.Orr@harristottenham.org.uk
Secondary Team
Ms Anglin – Senior Vice Principal, Designated Safeguarding Lead: E.Anglin@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Smalling – Safeguarding Officer: A.Smalling@harristottenham.org.uk
Mr Tailby – Assistant Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: S.Tailby@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Withers - Director of Holistic Education: K.Withers@harristottenham.org.uk
Secondary and Sixth Form Year Leaders
Mr Ibrahim – Head of Year 7: M.Ibrahim@harristottenham.org.uk
Mr Kacar – Assistant Principal: S.Kacar@harristottenham.org.uk
Mr Hunter – Head of Year 8: J.Hunter@harritottenham.org.uk
Mr Kacar – Assistant Principal: S.Kacar@harristottenham.org.uk
Mr Ashton-Evans – Head of Year 9: H.Ashton-Evans@harristottenham.org.uk
Mr Kacar – Assistant Principal: S.Kacar@harristottenham.org.uk
Mr Higgs – Head of Year 10: R.Higgs@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Gough – Assistant Principal: M.Gough@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Samuelson – Head of Year 11: E.Samuelson@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Gough – Assistant Principal: M.Gough@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Begum - Head of Year 12: S.Begum@harristottenham.org.uk
Ms Greet – Assistant Principal and Head of Sixth Form: M.Greet@harristottenham.org.uk
If you have any concerns then our safeguarding team are available. You can contact them via email: safeguarding@harristottenham.org.uk or by calling the school number - 020 3772 4243 - between 8.30am and 3.30pm and ask to speak to one of the Designated Leads.
Out of hours, the Haringey MASH team are available and can be contacted on 020 8489 4470 or 020 8489 0000.
Family Support
We are able to support with providing food vouchers and sanitary products for families in need. If you require assistance, please do contact us via email: safeguarding@harristottenham.org.uk or by calling the school on 020 3772 4243 between 8.30am and 3.30pm.
We also have links with Haringey Foodbank. For further information click HERE.
Mental Health
We continue to provide guidance and emotional support to young people and their families. We have strong links with lots of external agencies and do not want any family to feel isolated during this difficult time.
If you require assistance, please do contact us via email: safeguarding@harristottenham.org.uk or by calling the school number - 020 3772 4243 - between 8.30am and 3.30pm.
There are a range of organisations that support young people with mental wellbeing. Click HERE for further information.