Latest News
Posted on January 21st 2016
Year 8 Careers Day
Today marked the launch of our Year 8 Career's Programme.
Students received an assembly from our Careers Advisor on the GCSE Options process, and the way this may link to career pathways.
Students took part in three workshops, based around aspiration, economic wellbeing and pathways.
The programme will be followed up with a tailored programme of 1-to-1 careers interviews, and a rigorous options process, as we head towards the Summer Term. Our enrichment programme for Year 8 will be based around GCSE Option choices also.
We will also be hosting a programme of 'Careers talks' with our Governor's over the Spring Term.
There will be a further day based around 'Living in the Wider World' in the Summer Term.
For further information regarding the careers process and options process, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Howells - Vice Principal at