Letter to New Year 7s
Dear Year 6,
Welcome, and congratulations on getting a place at Harris Academy Tottenham. The transition from primary to secondary school is one of the biggest and most exciting changes that you will make.
We expect you to feel both nervous and excited about joining us, which is absolutely normal and to be expected as you prepare to move schools. Many students feel this way every year, but once they are here, they quickly settle and think of the Academy as a second home.
The key to starting well at secondary school is to make sure you are clear on what is expected of you. Our core values below summarise our expectations and are what our current students aim for each day.
- Endeavour - we expect you to work hard and try your best.
- Enjoy - engage with your subjects and afterschool activities.
- Excel - produce learning you are proud of.
We do all we can to demonstrate these values in all that we do, and we expect you to aim to do the same.
In your first week, you will meet your teachers and make new friends and might even get lost as you move through the building. Do not worry. You will have your year leader, form tutor and all your subject teachers who will be there to help and guide you along the way.
Start to think of all the great things that await you at your new school and what you will do to succeed at Harris Academy Tottenham.
I am very much looking forward to hearing your responses and meeting you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Kanika S. Forbes
Principal: Secondary