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Posted on August 16th 2018
Excellent First Set of A-Level Results for Harris Tottenham!
The first cohort of students at Harris Academy Tottenham received fantastic A Level results in their first set of external examinations this Summer. The majority of students are heading to University this Autumn, with 40% obtaining places at Russell Group Universities.
The Headline results include:
- 100% Pass rate in A Level Mathematics, with 80% of students obtaining grades A-C and 60% obtaining grades A-B.
- 100% Pass rate in A Level English Literature and RE, 100% A-B English, 67% A in English.
- 100% Pass rate in A Level Religious Studies, with 100% of students obtaining grades A-B
- 100% Pass rate in A Level Psychology with 75% of students obtaining grades A-C.
Assitant Principal for Sixth Form, Andy Johnson said:
"We are thrilled with this first set of A-Level Results, with our inaugural cohort. In 2016, we opened with a small selection of Academic A Levels, for local students with ambitions to thrive at University. These results are a testament to the dedication and hard work of our students, who have been supported with excellent teaching and support from colleagues in their time with us."
Head of Academy for Secondary, Tom Howells added:
"These results pave the way for the Sixth Form to continue to thrive. With a broader offer of subjects in 2018-19, we look forward to building on these results to become a centre of excellence for Academic Provision in Tottenham."