Online Resources
We are pleased to be able to share some high quality resources that have been published to support online learning.
Oak National Academy
The Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. All lessons are an hour long with elements such as a quiz, a video, an explanation from the teacher and a worksheet.
There are lessons for year groups between Reception and Year 10.
To visit the website go to You are then able to search via subject and year group to find online learning. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on
Bitesize Daily Learning
BBC Bitesize is producing lessons in Maths and English for every year group between Year 1 and Year 10 as well as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more.
The lessons have been created with teachers and other educational experts and feature a mixture of videos, animations, practice activities, quizzes and games.
Visit the website at